Learn to Play Hockey

New to Hockey? Here’s How to Start!
We Have Classes for Children Ages 4-12!

Click here for brochure, and click here to register

Class Descriptions

Hockey 1
Must be a graduate of Learn to Skate Basic 3 or Snowplow Sam 4 classes prior to enrollment.

Children will work on improving their skating, learning one-foot pushes and glides, backward swizzles, and snowplow stops, while beginning stick handling and shooting. Upon graduation, skaters will be given a white bracelet, signifying successful completion of Hockey 1.

Hockey 2
Children will be introduced to more advanced hockey drills and stick and puck handling techniques, as well as ongoing work on skating skills, such as crossovers and inside and outside edges. Upon graduation, they’ll earn a yellow bracelet, and move up to Hockey 3.

Hockey 3
This class continues work on stick and puck handling and skating skills, with a fun scrimmage at the end of each class. Upon graduation, players earn a coveted blue bracelet and will qualify to join the NYC Skyliners House League.

Required Gear for all Levels
Hockey helmet with cage, ice hockey skates, elbow pads, shoulder pads, hockey pants, shin pads, hockey gloves, hockey stick.

In Addition, We Recommend
Jersey, hockey socks, jock shorts, mouth guard, neck guard


  • Please make sure your child has a current USAH registration prior to enrolling in the Future Skyliners Learn to Play Hockey program as this is a rink requirement and the sign-up process can’t be completed without it. Go to membership.usahockey.com to register or renew.
  • All participants must pay tuition in advance. We do not offer payment plans, refunds, or credits.
  • Registration must be submitted by the deadline. There is a $15 late registration fee. We do not accept registration on the first day of class.
  • Parents of skaters of any age are not permitted on the ice.
  • Missed classes cannot be transferred to another session, rescheduled, credited or refunded for any reason (including due to COVID-19 and/or quarantining) unless canceled by City Ice Pavilion. Your registration guarantees you a space in the class regardless of your attendance.
  • There will be a maximum of 10 to 12 students per class. Consecutive levels may be combined if less than 3 students register per class. If less than 3 skaters are enrolled in a class, it may be canceled.
  • City Ice Pavilion reserves the right to change or cancel the time or day of class.
  • A parent or guardian of all skaters under 18 must be present in the rink during class time. City Ice Pavilion is not responsible for childcare in the absence of a guardian.

For more information contact,
youthhockey@cityicepavilion.com or 718-706-6667 x 8003